Self-service for license key deactivation

Issue #235 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

Right now deactivation of a license key on an inaccessible computer (e.g., failed, stolen, damaged) cannot be performed by end users. Instead they must email me and I deactivate the license so that it can be activated on a new machine. This should be made self-service via a "Reset my license" Web form which results in an email to the address associated with the license containing a link that will perform the deactivation when the email recipient is confirmed (basically the same as a "forgot password" reset).

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    My pleasure! It's not the prettiest UI in the world, but it should be serviceable for the most common use cases, basically managing your own license key and performing self-service offline activations. I also plan to add more IT-oriented behavior in the near future for folks who manage multiple licenses in an organization.

  2. Jonathon Schleicher

    It most definitely serves it's purpose! GREAT to know and thanks again for all that you do!!!

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