LWC auto-import not working as expected

Issue #2354 resolved
Mike Wannamaker created an issue

Whenever the IDE auto imports in an LWC module it always does this


But really it should be

import GsRecordDetailModal fromc/gsRecordDetailModal";

I always push, get the error and immediately go “duh” and fix it, no biggie.  But if it could be fixed it would be nice.


Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I did spend some time on this today, and it looks like there is a plugin extension point (EP) that will allow me to rewrite ES6 auto-imports, but unfortunately that EP has changed in a backward-incompatible manner across supported versions of the JetBrains IDE such that there’s no way to implement it in a single plugin disitribution. I have the work-in-progress escrowed off in a feature branch and will revisit it as I roll off support for older versions, trying again once the cross-version incompatibility is no longer present.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    This may go into next week’s build. Doing so requires me to drop support for some older versions of the JetBrains IDEs (<2022.3), but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I would think that anyone on 2022.* (and unable to go to 2023.* for whatever reason) should be able to move safely to 2022.3…the main issue is folks who are restricted by IT-certified versions.

    I’ll chew on it a bit…perhaps even try to poll users for those who would not be able to upgrade to 2022.3 or higher. Either way I’ll try to post an update here on when this can be expected.

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