Add support for DigitalExperienceBundles

Issue #2367 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

This was raised by a user directly via the support email, but currently IC2 doesn’t support the DigitalExperienceBundle composite metadata type properly. It’s definitely a bit of a one-off even relative to the other bundle types, but of course it should be properly supported.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    This is a build of with changes required to support the DigitalExperienceBundle and DigitalExperienceConfig metadata types. Turns out that the former metadata type's on-disk format is different enough from even the other bundle metadata types that it required some specialized handling. Hopefully I've accommodated for it in this build, but if you try it and find issues, please report them here with expected vs. actual behavior and clear steps to reproduce.

    This build can be installed by downloading (but not extracting) the attached archive and using Settings / Preferences > Plugins > Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu). Restart the IDE and refresh the org metadata list in either the subscription editor or the build options dialog (i.e., bulk deploy/retrieve/delete dialog), then let me know how it's working for you either way.

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