Create full definitions for lightning:workspaceAPI

Issue #2370 resolved
Nochum Sossonko created an issue

Here's a few screenshots to show the issue:

You can see here the getFocusedTabInfo API is underlined because it's not registering as a known API. The component looks like this:

workspaceAPI docs are here:

Comments (13)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is coming along very quickly. Hopefully something like this will be more to your liking:

    The fix will be included in this week’s build, likely out on Thursday.

  2. Nochum Sossonko reporter

    @Scott Wells will this be fixed for all APIs or should I file a ticket for each one? I came across the utilityBarAPI which seems to have the same issue. Thanks!

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    I’m addressing it for all APIs…well, at least all that I know about. Here are the ones that are currently being addressed:

    • lightning:conversationToolkitAPI
    • lightning:empApi
    • lightning:navigationItemAPI
    • lightning:omniToolkitApi
    • lightning:quickActionAPI
    • lightning:utilityBarAPI
    • lightning:workspaceAPI

    Let me know I’ve missed any…

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for helping to confirm. Those are all implemented and ready to go for the next build.

  5. Nochum Sossonko reporter

    I came across some more. The *Library components also need this improvement. Like the notificationsLibrary. Not sure if you’re handling that already, but I don’t see it on your list.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, good find. I’ll look at incorporating them. Not sure if it’ll make it into this week’s build, and if not it’ll probably push a few weeks as the IC2 update for Salesforce Summer ‘23 will be next week’s build, and after that I’m out of pocket for a few weeks. But I’ll get it updated for them.

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I take it back. Assuming you were just talking about lightning:notificationsLibrary and lightning:overlayLibrary, those are in now, too.

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