Is there a way where we can see what sfdx or sf command is Illuminated cloud firing

Issue #2388 resolved
Nagendra Singh created an issue

I have enabled all these debug log settings


But cannot print any sfdx or sf commands in idea logs. Is there a way to see what sfdx commands is illuminated cloud firing when trying to retrieve logs or delete logs, or running an anonymous apex etc.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Well, enabling debug logging for SfdxUtil will definitely show you the executed commands in idea.log, but only when IC2 is actually executing a CLI command. It does not for everything, instead using the API when the CLI adds no value. To be specific, it only uses the CLI to create source format projects, to create and manage CLI-managed orgs, to perform source format-specific deployment(/push) and retrieval(/pull), and maybe a few other minor things. It uses the API directly for any deployment that can occur directly via the API, to execute anonymous Apex and SOQL queries, to retrieve logs, to execute unit tests and retrieve coverage data, etc.

    A more first-class way to see the CLI commands executed by IC2 is by enabling the following option:

    which outputs the full execution in the IDE’s Messages tool window, e.g.:

    If you’d like to see the details for invoked REST and SOAP API calls, you can enable debug logging for the following:


    Note that you must restart the IDE for SOAP API calls to be logged as the SOAP client doesn’t allow log levels to be set dynamically.

    Also note that when logging at this level, all API call details are logged which may include sensitive information such as access tokens or even credentials when logging in for native connections, though since you’ve explicitly asked about CLI executions, that may not apply to you.

    I’d recommend that you only enable the logging above when needed/wanted, and then disable it otherwise, both for security and performance reasons (it’s VERBOSE!).

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving as I think I've provided to requested information. If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to follow up here, though.

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