Update subscription when creating/deleting metadata

Issue #239 resolved
Derek Hansen created an issue

When creating/deleting metadata from Illuminated Cloud the subscription (package.xml or explicit selection) is not updated.

This causes issues when deploying from other tools such as a build server or when other team members are trying to pull down the code from an org.

When metadata is created or deleted from within IC, the subscription should be updated to include that new metadata, optionally prompting the user before doing so. If the subscription is configured for a package.xml, the structure/ordering of the file should be retained when these changes are made.

Comments (12)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, this has been requested directly or indirectly by a few others. I'll take a look once I knock out a few other features/fixes that I've already promised.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm planning to work on this in the next few weeks. I'm going to make it auto-update the current subscription - package.xml or explicit selection - when you add metadata or delete metadata through the IDE. It will either be a configurable option or a prompt at the time of the operation.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Quick update...this is almost complete and will be included in a build this coming week. I know quite a few people have been waiting a LONG time for this and I definitely appreciate your patience. I hope you'll be very happy with the implementation.

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