Ability to disable Metadata Subscription

Issue #2394 resolved
Wim Velzeboer created an issue

Maybe I am using the feature in a wrong way, but I would like to turn off the Metadata Subscription.
Currently I am only using DX-structured version-controlled projects, and just want all version controlled metadata to be part of the subscription.
Now I always have to click “Yes” on that pop-up screen (e.g. when switching branches), which becomes quite annoying.

So, I was thinking why not have the option to automatically add anything that is in the package-directories (as listed in the sfdx-project.json file), to the Metadata-Subscription. And that should then basically turn off all those pop-ups..

Or is there another way to get rid of those pop-ups?

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    At present IC2 requires an explicit metadata subscription for all projects against non-source tracked orgs. I’ve heard some interest in the past around supporting “subscription-less” projects against these types of orgs where IC2 dynamically infers a subscription based on the files in the local project. This would mean that to add metadata to the project from the org, you’d need to perform a metadata retrieval with Subscribed Only unchecked and the Contents drop-down set to Custom temporarily.

    I’m not opposed to doing that, but I think I’d like to gauge interest as it’s a non-trivial change with its own set of UX challenges (some described above), and I’ve only really heard of it from a very small handful of people.

    For anyone interested in this, please vote on the issue.

  2. Wim Velzeboer reporter

    I have only used the metadata retrieval with the option “Custom”. 😳

    Maybe I have been using the metadata subscription in the wrong way, or never really understood it well enough to use it. Could you direct me to a video/doc that describes how you are supposed to use it to your advantage?

  3. Wim Velzeboer reporter

    I read through the document. In most of my projects, the subset of metadata that I want to be part of the subscription, is what I have in version control.
    So, I still would like to have this feature where I could add every version-controlled metadata type, that it will be automatically added to the subscription.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Totally understood. In the interim you can set up your metadata subscription and enable automatic subscription updates so that, as metadata files are added and removed locally, the metadata subscription is updated as appropriate without the need for an explicit change. While not 100% seamless, it does make overall metadata subscription management pretty low-maintenance.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    I’m in final testing on a new metadata subscription type called “Local Files” that does exactly what has been requested here. When selected as for a module/project, no explicit metadata subscription is needed. IC2 infers the metadata subscription from the local metadata/source files. It’s still necessary to retrieve using Contents: Custom and Subscribed Only: disabled to add metadata to the project from the organization, but any files added to the project locally--whether from IDE actions, external local file creation, VCS updates, etc.--are automatically considered to be part of the subscription as long as they’re under a configured source root and not filtered by .forceignore.

    Assuming testing completes successfully, this should all be part of this week’s build.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Delivered in I'll likely implement some improvements around subscribing to new org-only metadata for the next build, but the overall notion of a "Local files" metadata subscription should be fully implemented.

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