Retrieving and deploying files takes too long

Issue #2403 resolved
Asma Rauf created an issue

Hi, Retrieving and deploying files has been very slow for me. It took about 20 minute to deploy a class file today. I did a quick google search and found selecting Prefer Tooling API should help. All checkboxes are selected but it is still taking too long. This started happening after I regenerated the offline symbol table couple days ago.


Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. That's almost certainly due to long job queues in Salesforce as IC2 simply submits a deployment or retrieval job request and polls for completion. I have noticed long queues of late in some orgs myself and have heard similar from other users.

    You can verify this by enabling debug logging for Metadata Deployment and Retrieval as well as Salesforce DX as follows:

    The reproduce the behavior and you should be able to clearly see the behavior in idea.log.

    I'm happy to review the log as well if you'd like to attach it here or mail it to

  2. Asma Rauf Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks for the quick response!

    I will enable debug logging and reach out if I need help.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this assuming that the logs show it's just standard queueing in Salesforce. If you find that it's not and it's something IC2-specific, please feel free to reopen and provide a debug log for review.

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