IC2 fails to make TextMate Bundles manage JavaScript/CSS files in 2023.2 Community Edition IDEs

Issue #2406 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

A user reported this to me today, and I’ve found it to be a seeming regression in IntelliJ IDEA (and likely PyCharm) Community Edition 2023.2. I have logged a bug with JetBrains accordingly:


Hopefully there will be a quick fix, or minimally a workaround, but in the interim you can safely ignore this startup error by ensuring the following configuration:

  1. *.css and *.js are not associated with any file type in Preferences / Settings > Editor > File Types.
  2. Both css and javascript are enabled in Preferences / Settings > Editor > TextMate Bundles.

I apologize for the nuisance, but hopefully JetBrains will provide a solution quickly.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    I’ve just committed a workaround for IDEA-327045 for the next build (currently I don’t have a good workaround for IDEA-327051 yet, though I’ve provided extensive diagnostic infomration to JetBrains regarding a reproduction, so hopefully they’ll be able to reproduce it themselves and fix it or minimally provide guidance on potential workarounds/solutions.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    This will be included in the release notes for, but JetBrains provided a manual workaround for IDEA-327051:

    • IDEA-327051 - IC2 does not include a workaround for this issue, but JetBrains has reproduced it and should hopefully be implementing a proper fix shortly. In the interim, they provided a manual workaround for those seeing it:

      1. With the IDE closed, find the IDE configuration file options/filetypes.xml and open it in an editor. Note that you're likely looking under IdeaIC2023.2 or PyCharmCE2023.2 in the OS-specific Configuration/idea.config.path directory.
      2. Remove the following entries, typically found toward the end of the file:

        • <mapping ext="css" type="CSS"/ >
        • <mapping ext="js" type="JavaScript" />
      3. Save the file.

      4. Restart the IDE and things should work properly. You may be prompted one more time to remove the file type associations for *.css and *.js.

    Hopefully combined with the automated workaround for IDEA-327045 that is also included in, this issue will be totally resolved (albeit with the possible/likely need for the manual steps above).

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