Wrong error message on Map<String>

Issue #2420 resolved
Adam Stepanek created an issue

Hi Scott,

I have here obviously wrong apex method, despite that the IDE won’t give me any error message until I attempt to deploy it, which gives me unexpected error.

public with sharing class Test {
    public static void test(Map<String> strings) {

returns An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 2129936922-2909 (-1163967515)

Removing the @AuraEnabled decorator then gives proper error messages

Invalid type argument count for Map: expected 2 but found 1 and Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void debug(Map) from the type System

Is this something what you can fix? Also it would be handy if IDE would be able to tell without deployment that something is not right, like when you tries to access a field which is not in OST or something like that.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. The error you’re getting back is an internal server error, also known as a GACK:


    Unfortunately there’s no way for IC2 to know when some API call against the server will result in a GACK because technically they shouldn’t happen under normal circumstances.

    I can certainly fix the issue where the type parameter count for Map is incorrect via a code inspection, and in general my goal with IC2’s client-side static code analysis is pretty much what you’ve stated…to try to catch as many of the errors in the editor as possible to avoid the need for a deployment to find them. And for what are effectively semantic errors, i.e., things that aren’t caught by the Apex parser due to lack of grammar compliance but can be detected based on usage, e.g., type incompatibility, mismatched annotations/modifiers, incomplete concrete classes, etc., it’s getting pretty close. But for things that are effectively unhandled exceptions on the Salesforce servers, unfortunately there’s not much I can do.

    I’ll take care of the issue with a single type parameter for Map, though.

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