Show name of connection the Unit Tests are running on

Issue #243 resolved
Robert Conner created an issue

No where on the test Run does it tell me which connection my tests are running on. I feel like that is important information.

Especially helpful for those of us who switch connections frequently.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Robert. I've been trying to update all of the dialogs/processes to show this contextual information. Let me see if I can get the same info added to the unit test runs as well. This part (unit test framework) is abstracted away much more than the others (deployment, retrieval, etc.), but I should be able to add the context somewhere useful.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Delivered in Note that I looked at whether I could include the connection name in the tab title, but unfortunately the indirection is pretty significant in this part of the plugin SDK. Instead I just write the connection name to the console at test run initialization. Hopefully this makes it obvious enough.

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