OST generating incorrectly for custom object with same name as managed package

Issue #2441 resolved
Melanie Rudd created an issue

Hello. We have a managed packaged in our org named ‘timeline’. We also have a custom object named Timeline__c. When I generate the OST it puts our custom object file under the managed package timeline folder with just the name ‘c'. My code, SOQL, etc then can’t reference it. Is there anything I can do to resolve this or is this a bug? I've attached screenshots of what I see in OST.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Unfortunately that appears to be a bug. I already have a release finalized for tomorrow morning, but once I get that out, let me see if I can reproduce and fix it locally, and if so, I’ll provide early access to another build that includes the fix for you to try and (hopefully) verify.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Melanie. This build is the same as today's but with a prospective fix for the issue you're seeing. Please download it (but don't extract it) and install it using Settings / Preferences | Plugins | Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu). Restart the IDE and regenerate your OST, then let me know if things look correct or not.

  3. Melanie Rudd

    Success! It correctly generated the Timeline__c file under the schema folder and references to it are now working. Thanks!

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Great! Yeah, I was hoping that would do the trick. Okay, go ahead and sit on that build until I release a new version of IC2. That may be next week, but it may be the week after as I have quite a few conflicts next week such that I might not have a release next Thursday. But I will include this exact fix in the next build, so it will be safe to upgrade when you’re prompted to do so. Thanks for helping to verify it!

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