Retrieve Metadata error - End of input at line 4 column 39 path $[0].createdByName

Issue #2453 resolved
Paul McMurrugh created an issue
  1. force-app → Illuminated Cloud → Retrieve Metadata…


End of input at line 4 column 39 path $[0].createdByName

Comments (7)

  1. Paul McMurrugh reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
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  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks. I’m not sure why that’s happening, but I think I can provide a reasonable (hopefully one-time) workaround:

    1. Open the configuration directory for the host IDE:
    2. Remove the illuminatedCloud2/cache/<yourConnectionName> directory. If you’d like to provide more diagnostic data, you could archive and provide the contents of that directory before deleting. It’s just a list (no contents) of the metadata in org, but no issues if you’d prefer not to do so, though.
    3. Try to retrieve metadata again.

    I’m not sure why that file isn’t being parsed properly. Seeing it myself would help. I’ll also update IC2 to recover gracefully if it can’t parse that file, evicting the file-based cache and repopulating it (which is basically what you’re doing explicitly above).

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