Saving SOQL query result to CSV consistently causes "access is allowed from event dispatch thread only" error

Issue #2488 resolved
Alan Birchenough created an issue


  1. Define a SOQL query in the SOQL Query tool.
  2. Run an Export in the tool.
  3. Save the query result to local file storage.

The error is displayed after step 3. This is a screenshot of it.

This isn’t a huge problem, but it is - let’s say - not reassuring.

I attach logs.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Alan. JetBrains is constantly evolving their threading model and how they report (new) “infractions” by plugins (and even their core code). I just tried to reproduce the error and was not able to, but I noticed that you’re on older versions of both the JetBrains IDE and IC2. Can you please update both to the latest and see if you still see such a message?

  2. Alan Birchenough reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
      <div class="mask"></div>

    </div> </form>

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Alan, I’m still not seeing any record of that message in the provided log, nor am I able to reproduce that behavior locally. Where/how is that message presented? Is it in a dialog? A toaster notiffication? Can you reproduce it this behavior in a standalone project, attach that project, and provide the SOQL query that you’re executing so I can try to reproduce it exactly as you are?

  4. Alan Birchenough reporter

    It showed up actually in the IDE window in the gutter between the bottom tool window area and the editor area. I am having trouble reproducing it now. If I don’t see it again for a while I will likely want to close this ticket. I’ll keep you apprised.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Alan, I'm going to resolve this just to keep the view clean, but I'm guessing that you're going to reproduce it at some point shortly. When you do, please reopen with addiitonal details if available.

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