Missing OST for Flow.Interview.<Flow_Name>

Issue #2501 resolved
Adam Stepanek created an issue

Hi Scott,

I did not managed to get OST for following code, even after full refresh of OST, perhaps it is missing. Here is a bit of documentation I’ve found.

Map<String, Object> flowInputs = new Map<String, Object>{
    'Contact_Id' => '003AP00000B2dRzYAJ',
    'Has_SMS' => true,
    'SMS_Send' => true,
    'Record_Id' => '003AP00000B2dRzYAJ',
    'SMS_Template_Label' => '01. Financing request received',
    'SMS_Type' => 'Transactional',
    'sObject' => ((Id)'003AP00000B2dRzYAJ').getSobjectType()
new Flow.Interview.Communication_Subflow(flowInputs).start();

This code saves and executes just fine. But IDE say Cannot resolve symbol and Constructor not defined.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. IC2 isn't currently adding project flows to the OST dynamically. I'll keep this open to address that after I get the Spring '24 updates out next week. Thanks for reporting.

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