When there are multiple package directories allow use to select base directory for new metadata retrieval.

Issue #2505 open
Justin Julicher created an issue

When downloading new metadata, it would be handy to be able to select the base directory where to place the new metadata when there are multiple package directories specified in the sfdx-project.json. Currently it will just default to the ‘default’ entry.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Justin, are you familiar with the Default source root notion under Illuminated Cloud | Configure module?


    I believe that's what you're requesting, though I can't tell if you're requesting it as a configurable option like above or as something that's prompted on each retrieval with new-to-the-project metadata.

  2. Justin Julicher reporter

    Hi Scott - Yes I am - but sometimes I’ve created metadata in relation to a specific folder and want to retrieve it not into the default folder, rather than having to cut & paste it after I’ve retrieved it.

    This is more about an option on retrieval than the default directory.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Got it. So would this be a correct interpretation of the overall request?

    If you retrieve metadata into a project with multiple configured source roots (i.e., package directories) and that retrieval includes metadata files that are new to the project, you’d like to see a single prompt that allows you to select a target source root for each newly-retrieved file with the initial selection for each being the default source root

    If so, I’d definitely need to gauge general interest in such an enhancement for relative prioritization as it’s non-trivial and it’s not something I’ve ever heard from others before. That doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be useful to other users, of course.

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