Cannot Resolve Symbol for Custom Fields on Standard Objects

Issue #2517 resolved
John Reedy(Consultant) created an issue

When viewing code in the IDE, custom fields for standard objects are displayed in red. When I hover over it, the message indicates that the symbol cannot be resolved. I have tried regenerating the off-line symbol table, still does not resolve the issue.

The classes can still be save to the org, and everything runs fine, it is just a little distracting to see these highlighted in red text.

Comments (10)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    The most common cause of this is not having read authorization on those fields. Please read about the Ensure field read access connection configuration option here:

    Before enabling that option for your connection, make sure that you're aware of what it will do, specfically adding field permissions to the connection user's profile. If that is not acceptable in your organization, please add permissions for those fields explicitly in an acceptable manner.

    Please let me know if that doesn't resolve this for you.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this assuming/hoping that it's just the aforementioned field read authorization issue. If that doesn't address the issue for you, please feel free to reopen this and we'll get to the bottom of what's going on. Also, feel free to log any questions you might have here even if it's not reopened and I'll be happy to answer them.

  3. John Reedy(Consultant) reporter

    Hi Scott, thank you for the prompt response. I confirmed for a couple fields that I have both read and edit access from both a profile and a permission set perspective. Typically, we do not assign field level security at the profile level, but rather via permission sets. I have been using IlluminatedCloud on the project since 2016, and only in the last 6-9 months noticed this issue. I thought maybe it was a bug that would be resolved, so I just ignored it.

    It is strange that universally, it appears to only be an issue for custom fields on standard objects.

    The other thing that is strange is standard salesforce global methods cannot be resolved against standard objects as well:

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, John. I’m honestly not sure. Can you distill this down into a standalone project that reproduces the issue and can be shared (i.e., no sensitive data/information in the project)?

  5. John Reedy(Consultant) reporter

    Hi Scott, just wanted to circle back with you on this. I update my IntelliJ to the most recent version, and it appears to have resolved the issue. Thank you for you prompt response.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hmmmm…okay. I wonder what it was. Anyway, I’m glad it’s resolved for you now. Please let me know if you see it again in the future, and thanks for circling back to give me the update.

  7. John Reedy(Consultant) reporter

    I thought it was resolved, but it is not; however, I did get a message indicating that there is a known issue with the Salesforce REST tooling api for standard objects, and that Salesforce is aware of, maybe that will resolve it.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    John, can you please specify exactly what is not working for you now? I'm not seeing any of the issues discussed here locally.

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