Invalid configuration being reported for non-Salesforce module

Issue #2522 resolved
Mark Mindenhall created an issue

This is something that just started happening recently. In our monorepo we have a scripts folder that contains both python and shell scripts used in our CI/CD pipelines, managing scratch org pools, etc. This needs to be configured as a python module in the project to run some utilities from within the IDE.

I am now seeing a notification that looks like this for this module:

I can’t pinpoint exactly when this started happening (I haven’t really been working in the repo much over the past few weeks), but it’s definitely new behavior.

We have a python script that we use extract secrets from AWS Secrets Manager, insert those secrets into Named Credentials metadata files, then deploy them to a specified org (sandbox or production). Due to this functionality, we have a file that we use in a python test: named_credential_example.namedCredential-meta.xml. I suspect that this file is causing the folder to be incorrectly detected as an IC2 module.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. If you click the Ignore action, does that resolve the issue for you? Even if it does, I'm curious as to what IC is seeing under the scripts folder that makes it think it's Salesforce content, but the Ignore action exists explicitly to allow you to tell IC not to try to configure certain modules that may look to it like Salesforce modules but aren't.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving due to lack of activity. If ignoring these modules does not resolve the issue, please reopen with additional details.

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