PMD problems lists as ...

Issue #2527 resolved
Adam Stepanek created an issue

Hi Scott,

when opening the Problems tab for current file, all PMD related issues does not have title, only ...

Thanks for resolving

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. I'm not seeing that behavior locally:


    Can you please confirm that you're on the latest versions of both IC2 and the underlying JetBrains IDE and, if you are, please provide a screenshot of your PMD Salesforce inspection configuration?

  2. Adam Stepanek reporter

    Yes I am on the latest versions.

    IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.5 (Ultimate Edition)
    Build #IU-233.14808.21, built on March 12, 2024
    Licensed to Adam Štěpánek
    Subscription is active until September 4, 2024.
    Runtime version: 17.0.10+1-b1087.21 aarch64
    VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
    macOS 14.3.1
    GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
    Memory: 3072M
    Cores: 8
    Metal Rendering is ON
    Non-Bundled Plugins:
      co.anbora.labs.jsoncrack (1.2.1)
      Key Promoter X (2023.3.0)
      indent-rainbow.indent-rainbow (2.2.0)
      com.jetbrains.darkPurpleTheme (1.3)
      net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv (3.3.0-233)
      String Manipulation (9.12.0)
      com.intellij.mermaid (0.0.19+IJ.232)
      ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2024.1)
      com.github.copilot ( (1.6.0)
      mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.5.2)
      izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets (2024.2.1)
      com.illuminatedcloud2.intellij (
      zielu.gittoolbox (500.2.1+233)
    Kotlin: 233.14808.21-IJ

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I can see it now locally. I remember now that this is a JetBrains bug. When you enable the rule description as information that should be shown, it triggers the bug because the rule description is either too long or contains markup that doesn’t render properly…or something else. Unfortunately they’ve never fixed it and it’s not something that’s at all under my control. The workaround is not to include that information.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving as the fundamental issue is a JetBrains bug, and the workaround is not to show the rule description information. I hate resolving under these conditions, but based on the last time this was discussed with JetBrains, there was no other workaround. Ideally I'd be able to specify a different set of information to show in Problems view than in, say, the tooltip, but I'm not called with a specific display context discriminator.

  5. Adam Stepanek reporter

    Thanks, I’ve updated my setup accordingly and it works now. It would be great if you could hide the option, or display some kind of help text.

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