[Enhancement] Dynamically Display Correct Argument Placeholder Names for Overloaded Methods

Issue #2539 resolved
Petter Eikeland created an issue

It would be nice if the argument placeholder names would be dynamically resolved for overloaded methods. As you can see below, the placeholder name “message” is shown for the first argument, but the expected placeholder name “records“ is not showing. Not sure if this is an IC2 enhancement or a WebStorm enhancement?

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. That's actually working as designed based on how the IDE presents parameter info. It highlights the _n_th parameter across all overloaded signatures and not only the one that also matches by type, e.g., the same thing from JetBrains' own Java implementation:

    The idea is to show you where you are in the candidate signatures and not necessarily to show you which specific signature you've already implemented.

    The one thing IC2 doesn't do right now is graying out (or removing) signatures that could not be candidates based on argument vs. parameter count. I'll add that to my list.

    UPDATE: I spoke too soon! The Java IDE does put a checkmark beside the matching signature. I’ll also add that…

  2. Petter Eikeland reporter

    Aha, thank you for the explanation. AND for the swiftest Issue/Enhancement response I’ve experienced 😀

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Committed for the next build:

    Now it properly handles display of deprecated signatures (strikethrough), ineligible signatures (grayed), and the current matching signature (denoted by a checkmark).

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