Custom fields in .forceignore are retrieved when there is a subscription for the parent object

Issue #2564 resolved
Vasilis Papanikolaou created an issue

Steps to reproduce

  1. Configure forceignore to ignore metadata from the Pardot managed package with the following rule:

    pi__* 2. In Illuminated cloud settings, enable “Use .forceignore”. 3. Make sure the source and the package.xml do not contain any Lead.pi__* fields. 4. Add the Lead object to the metadata subscription. 5. Confirm that all pi__* fields of Lead are ignored by sfdx by running:

    sf project list ignored 6. Retrieve all metadata for the module with “Subscribed Only” checked and “Subscribed by Parent” unchecked.

Result: Lead.pi__* fields are retrieved.

Expected result: Lead.pi__* fields should be ignored and not retrieved.

The Pardot package with the Lead object is just an example. The same behavior is observed for other packages and objects.

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