Deployment of class used in schedule job fails

Issue #2571 open
Oleksandr Tymchenko created an issue

During deployment of class used in scheduled batch class, deployment fails, however it’s allowed in
Deployment settings “Allow deployments of components when corresponding Apex jobs are pending or in progress.”

When we are doing pipeline deployment → it works
When deploying class via IC2 - fails

Another think -

private static Boolean checkSomething(CustomObject record) {
    return record.customField__c.equalsIgnoreCase('cats'); 

Method crying that ‘Missing return statement’ after replacing record.customField__c == 'cats' to equalsIgnoreCase

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for reporting. Something must have changed recently as previously only classes that implement Schedulable directly would fail when deploying via the Tooling API, and IC2 automatically looks for that situation and routes such deployments via the Metadata API. Now it seems that if something even peripherally related to Schedulable implementations is deployed via that API, it fails.

    The workaround is to disable Tooling API-based deployment for Apex in Illuminated Cloud | Configuration Application | Validation and Deployment. I’ll investigate and try to figure out the pattern (if possible) and update IC2’s corner-case logic to handle it.

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