The connection is invalid modal can't be closed

Issue #2573 resolved
Oleksandr Tymchenko created an issue

I’ve refreshed my sandbox, In manage connections after clicking “Test” → returns “OK“ and moment later info that connection is not valid. → Minor issue

Most critical issue → I’ve deleted this connection from “Connections” list, but it’s still visible in my right bottom as selected connection, so it’s fine until I didn’t select a new valid one.

Problem starts when I’m clicking on any file and selecting “Compare with” and selecting valid connection, it shows modal window with info that connection is not valid and this modal can’t be closed, only IDE restart helps.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Ugh. That does sound bad. I'll try to reproduce/fix this next week. I may reach back out to you if I can't reproduce it easily for additional information.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I’m implemented a partial fix for this. If the project doesn’t have a configured connection, you’re going to see “The connection is invalid” quite frequently until you configure the project for a connection again. However, for features that allow you to select an alternative connection such a bulk deployment/retrieval/removal, the selected connection is now properly respected completely. It was still being used for the actual operation, but in situations where it was trying to query simple metadata information from the org, it was still trying to use the configured connection instead of the selected connection. That’s what I’ve resolved with the partial fix, and it’s now possible to retrieve metadata from an alternative connection when the project does not have a configured connection. Again, it’s still going to be noisy with that warning, but IC2 generally expects the project to have a configured connection, so that’s unavoidable.

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