Querying MetadataPackageVersion on a 1GP packaging org does not work

Issue #2574 resolved
Phil W created an issue

Using the SOQL query mechanism with Tooling API enabled, running the following query against a packaging org for the given package (using an authorized OAuth Org connection) with a known set of package version IDs only returns the IDs and none of the other columns/fields:

SELECT Id, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, PatchVersion FROM MetadataPackageVersion WHERE Id IN ('04t...', ...)

This works correctly on the org using the Developer Console’s SOQL query, with Use Tooling API checked, but extracting the data from there is really difficult.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi, Phil. Can you confirm the version of IC2 you have installed. There was a short-lived bug with Tooling API queries where only the Id field would be included in the result set unless it was one of a small number of Tooling SObject types for which IC2 has local POJOs. That was resolved a bit back, though. My guess is that you probably stay on the latest-and-greatest, but just in case, if you're not up-to-date, can you see if updating resolves it?

  2. Phil W reporter

    Scott, thanks for the nudge. I was on Upgrading to has resolved the issue.

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