Error Locating Offline Symbol Table Zip in Illuminated Cloud

Issue #2578 resolved
Thea Wang created an issue

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek assistance with an issue I am experiencing with the Illuminated Cloud plugin in IntelliJ IDEA. Specifically, my development environment is unable to locate the Offline Symbol Table zip file, and I have been unable to resolve this issue despite multiple troubleshooting attempts.

**Issue Description:**

Upon attempting to access Salesforce fields via the Illuminated Cloud plugin, IntelliJ IDEA is unable to recognize field definitions and displays the following error message:


Failed to find the Offline Symbol Table archive: jar:///Users/theawang/Projects/salesforce/IlluminatedCloud/thea/!/


**System and Configuration:**

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.2 (Community Edition)

  • Plugin: Illuminated Cloud 2 (

  • Project Path: /Users/theawang/Projects/salesforce/IlluminatedCloud/thea/

**Steps Already Taken:**

  1. I have verified the path to the Offline Symbol Table zip, and it appears correct.

  2. I have attempted to regenerate the Offline Symbol Table via the plugin settings but to no avail.

  3. I have cleared the IntelliJ cache and restarted the IDE multiple times.

  4. I have checked permissions for the directory and ensured that it is accessible.

Despite these efforts, the issue persists. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or additional steps I might take to resolve this error. If further information is needed to diagnose this issue, please let me know, and I will provide it promptly.

Thank your for your assistance.

Best regards,


Comments (10)

  1. Thea Wang reporter

    I’ve received a new error message.

    Module 'salesforce': The following must be configured properly:
    module has an out-of-date offline symbol table:
    Spring '24 updates (Recommended)
    Winter '24 updates (Recommended)
    Summer '23 updates (Recommended)
    Spring '23 updates (Recommended)
    Winter '23 updates (Recommended)
    Summer '22 updates (Recommended)
    Spring '22 updates (Recommended)
    Tooling API SOQL query support (Required)
    Winter '22 updates (Recommended)
    Summer '21 updates (Recommended)
    Issue 1914 - Fixed issue with missing polymorphic relationship information (Optional)
    Extensive corrections to ConnectApi namespace type inheritance relationships and field data types (Optional)
    SObjects without reported namespaces reorganized into the Schema namespace (Required)
    Spring '21 updates (Recommended)
    Winter '21 updates (Recommended)
    Summer '20 updates (Recommended)
    Spring '20 updates (Recommended)
    Full resolution of these items may require multiple steps.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. Please regenerate the OST and see if that resolves the issue. If the file itself it present, perhaps it's an invalid, incomplete, or unreadable archive. If needed, delete the existing file explicitly (will likely require you to close the project first) before regenerating the OST.

  3. Thea Wang reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Thank you so much for the reply. I’ve tried by following steps but the error still populates: Failed to find the Offline Symbol Table archive: jar:///Users/theawang/Projects/salesforce/IlluminatedCloud/thea/!/

    Let me know what else I can do for this, thank you so much for your help!

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Very strange. You mentioned that the file exists and appears correct. Have you tried to access the archive? If you open the IDE’s Terminal and type unzip -l IlluminatedCloud/thea/, does it show a list of the archive’s contents? Basically something like:

    $ unzip -l IlluminatedCloud/demo/
          599  04-30-2024 14:49   ToolingApi/Index.cls
          412  04-30-2024 14:49   ConnectApi/TaxAddressesRequest.cls
    ---------                     -------
     16699618                     7785 files       

    If that all looks fine, do you see the same behavior if you create another Salesforce project using File | New | Project | Illuminated Cloud SFDX, then create a scratch org for that project, and finally generate an OST?

    I’m trying to determine if there’s something weird with this specific project or if whatever is going on is happening on a broader basis for you. The logic that’s failing for you is completely unchanged since January, 2016, so I’m inclined to think that it’s something environmental. Hopefully we can identify what it is…

  5. Thea Wang reporter

    Thank you so much Scott, I’ve tried almost everything, my another laptop works but iMac no, so I don’t think this is something for the Project..

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thea, have you confirmed that the same issue is present in a completely new project on that machine? I have seen project config information get wedged in the past such that one project will fail while another won’t. It would be good to confirm that or rule it out, either way.

  7. Thea Wang reporter

    Hi Scott,

    Thank you so much for your patient!

    I’ve tried to create a totally new project on that iMac, but with the same issue, the error still populated when I generate OST.

    Failed to find the Offline Symbol Table archive: jar:///Users/theawang/Projects/salesforce/IlluminatedCloud/thea/!/

    Appreciate your help.


  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s going on. As I’d mentioned earlier, the specific logic that’s failing to find the newly-created archive has existed since almost the very first delivered builds of Illuminated Cloud back at the beginning of 2016 (the first build was delivered in June, 2015). I’ve never seen nor heard of this issue (and I test on two Macs, one x64 and one M1), so I’m assuming it must be something unique to your install and/or machine. Let’s try a few things that have been potential issues in the past:

    1. Do you perhaps have any cloud drive software installed, e.g., OneDrive, Google Drive, DropBox, etc., and, if so, are your projects under a directory being managed by that software? Cloud drive software uses pretty strict file-level locking techniques that can cause all kinds of issues. If you’re using any such software, it would be good to see if the same problem exists if that software is disabled and/or you create a project not under a directory managed by that software.
    2. If that’s not the case, I’d recommend that you completely uninstall IntelliJ IDEA and reinstall it. I have seen issues in the past that were caused by invalid/corrupted IDE installs after repeated in-place upgrades that were resolved by performing a 100% clean reinstall of the software.

    Let’s try those and see where that leaves us.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve it after >1 month of no activity, but please reopen if the issue still exists and you'd like to continue troubleshooting it.

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