Deploying User Access Policy error: You cannot modify an active user access policy.

Issue #2590 resolved
Tony White created an issue

When deploying a user access policy from IC2 an error occurs that does not when deploying from the Salesforce CLI:

You cannot modify an active user access policy.

See -

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Okay, so it sounds like this isn't IC2-specific, correct? Can this be resolved here and then reopened pending the outcome of the linked CLI issue if it does look like it's specific to IC?

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Tony, I'm going to go ahead and resolve this, but if I've misunderstood the nature of the issue -- or if it does end up being an IC2 issue after all -- please reopen with whatever additional details you can provide.

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