@TestSetup method not handled properly when running unit tests against org with namespace

Issue #2593 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

A user has reported an issue with where an Apex unit test class with a @TestSetup method is not running using the async endpoint and therefore its @TestSetup method is not being properly reported as it is via the sync endpoint. This occurs only in an org with a namespace. I’ve reproduced this locally and it’s due to a map lookup via a qualified test class name missing when the unqualified name would resolve properly.

I’m attaching a test build here so that the user can help confirm the fix before including it in an official build.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    This is a test build that is with a prospective fix for this issue. Please download (but don't extract) the attached archive and install it using Settings | Plugins | Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu), the restart the IDE, disable the Always run test async option, and see whether the problem is resolved or not.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Thank you, both for confirming and for reporting the issue. Apologies for the testing oversight in the first delivered version of these changes.

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