Run dependents test runs random tests

Issue #2600 open
Adam Stepanek created an issue

Hi Scott,

huge thanks for the Run ‘Dependants of ...'. It really safe some time. Anyway having following class without any existing test classes, using at the method level Run 'Dependants of 'execute' will run some random test classes. Note that those implements the Schedulable as well, but not all that implements it are being run.

public with sharing class testaw implements Schedulable {
    public void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {

It should be same as for the class level Run 'Dependants of 'testaw' which shows No Test Found

Comments (1)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    First off, I'm glad to hear that you're finding this new feature useful. It's something I'd wanted for myself for a long while, and I've been quite pleased with how it's come out. Having said that, I'm not at all surprised that there might still be some loose ends that need to be tied off.

    As I mentioned in your other case, to get to the bottom of this I probably need to add some additional diagnostic logging to see what dependents are being added and why. There's some there, but it's not as extensive as it should be, to be honest.

    I'm on holiday with my family right now, so a new build with additional logging may not happen immediately. We do have a bit of down-time for travel today, though, so I may instrument things a bit while everyone else is likely zoned out, then I could attach a build with more logging here to see if we can get a better explanation for both this and your other logged issue. I'll let you know either way, and we'll definitely get to the bottom of whatever is going on in both situations shortly.

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