Dependency checker

Issue #2602 open
Sebastiaan Simons created an issue

Hello Scott

I might have missed something in the release notes, but I’m getting this ‘dependency checker’ from time to time when I want to deploy. Can I disable this feature somewhere? I can’t seem to find it.



Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi. This check is required when trying to deploy Apex via the Tooling API when there could be active Schedulable implementations to avoid an incorrect deployment failure that includes one of those implementations or a transitive dependency. It can only be disabled by disabling deployment of Apex via the Tooling API. Otherwise you would still be subject to the Tooling API deployment bug with active Schedulable implementations.

    I'll keep this open to consider other potential ways to handle this specific situation, e.g., instead of checking for this state proactively, looking at deployment errors to see if the deployment failed due to an active Schedulable class or one of its dependencies and retrying the deployment via the Metadata API instead.

  2. Sebastiaan Simons reporter

    Ok thanks!
    The check takes quite some time, so it can be a bit annoying to wait for it.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Totally understood. In most projects it should be close to instantaneous. Can you characterize this project in terms of the number of Schedulable implementations that are present locally and the total number of Apex classes in the project so I can better understand a project where this check takes significantly longer?

  4. Oleksandr Tymchenko

    Hello Scott,
    Could you please disable this check if Tooling API for APEX is unselected?
    If unselected, it will use metadata api and we are good anyway.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aha! It actually should be doing exactly that, but I just noticed that the logic in that check is associating two conditions improperly and not short-circuiting as intended. I’ve already fixed that for the next build. So sorry for the mistake!

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