Missing some email templates/folders in the subscription editor and bulk deploy/retrieve dialog

Issue #2626 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

I’ve been working with a user on this directly via email and am logging it here both to track progress on it and to provide a vehicle for delivery of pre-release test builds with prospective fixes/improvements.

Basically the user is finding that some email templates/folders are not included in the metadata subscription editor and build options dialog. I suspect it’s due to the dual folder metadata types – EmailTemplateFolder and EmailFolder – for the EmailTemplate metadata type.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    Attaching a build that includes a prospective fix for the issue by properly enumerating both EmailTemplateFolder and EmailFolder for EmailTemplate.

    You can install it by dowloading (but not extracting) the attached archive, then using Settings | Plugins | Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu). Restart the IDE and refresh the metadata list in the subscription editor, then see whether the missing email templates/folders are properly included.

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    That’s great to hear! Today’s update won’t include this change, but I can provide a new build attached here with if you’d like. It should be in next week’s official build, though.

  3. Scott Wells reporter

    Sounds good. The fix has already been committed to the delivery branch and will be included in next Thursday’s build. Thank you so much for providing so much diagnostic information that helped to corner this issue and determine the necessary fix!

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