Flowchart rendition of flow appears to invert decision outcome condition

Issue #2631 open
Alan Birchenough created an issue

First of all, I must applaud you for providing such concise and readable information about flow elements in their flowchart rendition. Salesforce continues to let us all down badly by not providing any good way to get a full report on flow contents without spending hours clicking around and taking screenshots, all of which then has to be correlated and somehow turned into a document. This report is just a nit I thought you might like to know about.

A decision element in one of my flows is rendered as follows within IC2:

However, the decision element actually defines the “WOs Were Found” outcome criterion as follows:

So somehow, the “False” part seems to have gotten lost in the IC2 rendering. Perhaps it was just truncated by the edge of the diamond shape?

Comments (1)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Alan, can you model a shareable flow that exhibits this behavior clearly? If so, can you please attach it here so that I can see the actual vs. expected rendering?

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