Nothing happens when I invoke "Generate Offline Symbol Table"

Issue #2634 resolved
Alan Birchenough created an issue

Expected behavior:

  1. I invoke the above operation using either the command, or the currently-registered keyboard shortcut.
  2. IC2 displays a dialog asking me to choose whether to refresh objects only, or the whole table.
  3. It proceeds to do what I select.

Actual behavior:

  1. I invoke the above operation using either the command, or the currently-registered keyboard shortcut.
  2. Nothing happens. There is no log entry either.

I am using IJ 2024.2.1 and IC2

I will attach the log shortly.

Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Is this another old project perhaps? I ask because I've generated about 40-50 OSTs over the past two days across a large number of test projects as I've been working through Winter '25 stuff, and I haven't seen any issues.

  2. Alan Birchenough reporter

    The project was created on 9/4/2024. Whether that is “old” is a matter of opinion I guess.

  3. Alan Birchenough reporter

    I guess there’s always our old friend “Invalidate caches and restart”. However, I hate to lose local history (even though everything should also be in Git).

  4. Alan Birchenough reporter

    I may have resolved this. I deleted the zip file from the file system, and switched the OAuth connection a couple of times, finally setting it back to the connection relevant to this particular project. I was then able to request an OST. I will let you know if there are any further problems.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    No, that’s far from old. I was really referring to the project we were discussing that other issue that was evidently quite old in a true sense.

    The provided log does show a full OST generation, but it’s from several days ago so that’s not terribly helpful. Otherwise I don’t see any sign of trying to generate an OST.

    You shouldn’t need to do Invalidates caches and restart, though also note that by default that action does not remove local history. Quite a bit back they made it much more fine-grained, and you can have it just rebuild indices and not remove all of that stuff you’d generally want to keep.

    Before we go that route, let’s do a few more things, though:

    Does this happen in all projects or just this one? If just this one, what’s selected in the IDE when you try to trigger the OST generation action? It shouldn’t matter all that much, but it might be useful to know whether explicitly selecting something under a source root changes the behavior or similar.

    Can you please enable debug logging for Offline Symbol Table Generation and reproduce the behavior, then attach a new idea.log so I can see if that provides any new insights?

  6. Alan Birchenough reporter

    I am sorry, but this is resolved. I had no idea how many back flips I would have to execute to get it to work, but perhaps I erred on the side of raising an issue a bit too soon. I still don’t get why a command would do nothing, I can only think that the module connection somehow got de-configured and had to be restored. Which in turns leads me to reflect that I have no idea why my modules are proving so fragile all of a sudden. Neither the nature nor the frequency of my usage of IC2 has changed in years, but suddenly I’m getting into trouble every few days. Perhaps these come in threes and after that I will be back to trouble-free operation. LOL

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    No, I share your concern. I'm not aware of any (good) reason that the "Generate OST" action would be a no-op. If the action is visible and enabled -- and it sounds like it was given that you tried it from the action as well as the keyboard shortcut -- the only reason that it would do nothing is if it couldn't derive at least one "selected" IC2 module for the project. And frankly, it shouldn't have been enabled/visible if that weren't the case.

    Combine that with the fact that I've never heard of this happening to others, nor have I seen this behavior myself...and the fact that you had such a strange behavior with that other project...I'm concerned that maybe your IDE install is in a weird state. Has it been updated in-place repeatedly, or is it a relatively fresh install? I ask because I've seen several issues occur with IDE installs that started as an older version and were updated in-place over and over to the latest-and-greatest, and those issues were pretty consistently solved by doing a reinstall of the IDE. For better or worse, it's the same pattern I've seen with the Salesforce CLI, though that's gotten much better with v2 than with the original distribution. Any chance your IDE install is getting "creaky"?

  8. Alan Birchenough reporter

    That’s an interesting idea. I’ve used the Jetbrains Toolbox to update my IDE in place many times over. It is quite possible that it has become “creaky”.

    If a third weird thing happens, I may just blast it out of existence and reinstall from scratch.

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