Auto Completion doesn't recognise "private" test visible Members

Issue #2641 resolved
Jason Van Beukering created an issue

Since the last release of IC, when writing code, class members that are marked “private” but “@TestVisible” are not offered.

Personally I think they should always be “offered” but depending on context (i.e. the calling code is a unit test vs somewhere else) they are indicated differently (say grey for unreachable code)

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Oh no. Assuming that's the case, that would be an unintentional side-effect of some of the code completion improvements/fixes I implemented. I'll try to reproduce today and, assuming I can, I'll implement a fix for the next build (or earlier if a hotfix is warranted). Thanks for reporting!

  2. Jason van Beukering

    This class replicates the problem…

    public with sharing class ExampleClass
       private static void doSomething()

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jason, I’m not seeing an issue with the provided file now:

    Am I perhaps doing something wrong when trying to reproduce it?

  4. Jason van Beukering

    Sigh, I'm being a bit of an Idiot :( Blame it on the flu... I was testing outside of the context of a test class. Apologies.

    Kind Regards Jason van Beukering

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    No issues! Sorry you’re sick. I picked up something at Dreamforce – pretty sure it was COVID, but I never tested positive for it – and have been pretty puny for the past couple of weeks myself. Best of luck recovering!

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