Notification Resolve Configuration Issues

Issue #2705 resolved
James Loughney created an issue

Hi there, I am receiving a notification every few minutes to Resolve Configuration Issues.

I have included a screen shot of the notification. Can you please tell me where I need to go in order to fix this please.

I am not sure where I need to do this. Thanks.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hi, James. I was just about to respond to your emails, but we can do this here instead. That notification is saying that it has actually set the SDK for the module successfully, but it shouldn't have to do that more than once. Can you please attach your project's .iml file, .idea/illuminatedCloud file, and idea.log from just after this happens? You can find that last one using Help | Show Log in Explorer/Finder/Files.

  2. James Loughney reporter

    This also seems to freeze up Intellij and I can’t do anything. I am running Injellij version 2024.3.1.1. Thanks

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. Sounds like something has gotten into a bad state with the project config file(s). With the IDE stopped, please remove/move/rename the .idea folder and *.iml file – which may be under the .idea folder depending on how the project was created – and then reopen the project. The project config files will be recreated.

  4. James Loughney reporter
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  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving as I'm assuming(/hoping) that resetting the project config files addressed the issue. Please feel free to reopen if not.

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