Tooling API not including the managed package version causing errors

Issue #276 resolved
Zoran Žunko created an issue

How to reproduce: reference managed package global class in a target org, try to save.

more details here:

please see if this can be fixed since it is a serious blocker on a project i'm working on (don't want to change an IDE or work in integrated SFDC editor)

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Can you check the version number of the plugin? If it's, please update to because there were some known issues with the earlier build. As for the managed package visibility issue, you should be able to change from the Tooling API to the Metadata API for deployment to work around it. Unfortunately there's no actual fix via the Tooling API yet, though I've already contacted Salesforce about this and am tracking a resolution on their side closely. Also look at issue #240 which proposes another workaround in Illuminated Cloud where you can specify a subset of classes to be deployed with the Metadata API while everything else would be deployed with the Tooling API. My preference is for Salesforce to solve this, but if it goes on for too long, I might add that capability.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, and in case you're not sure how to switch the API that's used, go into Settings>Illuminated Cloud>Validation and Deployment and change the value for Apex>On Save to Deploy with the Metadata API.

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