Static Resources Are Not Showing Up

Issue #282 resolved
Salvador Gaytan-Mojica created an issue

I am working on a project with a large amount of static resources bundled. Unfortunately, Illuminated cloud does not show the icons. I'm running Intellij Ultimate 15.0.4 with Illuminated cloud I don't know if I should enable a certain plugin for this to work.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Let's try a few things that should get us to the bottom of this quickly:

    1. Can you make sure that the .resource extension isn't registered for a particular file type? Go into Settings>Editor>File Types. Unfortunately there's not an easy way to search, but if you just try to associate *.resource with one of the existing file types, it'll tell you if it's already associated with a file type and which one. If that's the case, remove the association because it needs to be dynamic.
    2. Either way, tell IntelliJ to rebuild its dynamic file type associations for .resource files. The only way I know to do this is to rebuild all indices using File>Invalidate Caches / Restart. Before doing so, let's turn on debug logging for the logic that dynamically chooses file types for static resources based on the content type. Add the following to Help>Debug Log Settings:

    Hopefully after doing these, things are working properly, but if not, send me the updated idea.log and it should tell me what's happening during static resource dynamic file type association.

  2. Salvador Gaytan-Mojica reporter

    Awesome. *.resource was already registered to Files Opened in Associated Applications. I removed it from there and invalidated caches. That did the trick. Thanks!

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