Unit Test execution - display covered lines for single test methods execution only

Issue #283 resolved
Paolo Cosentino created an issue

Hi Scott,

I'm not sure if this has been asked already, I couldn't find another issue with a similar request.

So this is just a request a don't know if it is possible or easy/hard to do.

After you execute all of the test methods in a test class, I can see all covered lines correctly, no problem with that. But later I execute a single test method from that test class, and when I go to see the coverage it still shows all of the covered lines from when you ran all test methods together.

So, when you run one test method alone, would it be possible to display (in green color as usual) the lines that were covered for that method alone? That would be very helpful when you are writing tests for complex logic.

This is an awesome IDE so far!

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