Ability to save log files locally

Issue #289 resolved
Jay Janarthanan created an issue

I would like to save log files locally from the log viewer window


Comments (11)

  1. Jurgis Salna

    @RoseSilverSoftware would be nice to have this eventually. I should add these as a separate issue, but it would be nice to:

    • Open multiple logs at once - switching between logs is very often essential which on slow orgs on another side of planet is veeery slow and breaks your thought process. Bonus points if one can arrange them in custom order - helps with thought process
    • download multiple logs at once - perhaps saving them as scratch files? would love an easy way to keep logs, esp if req above cannot be done easily

    I’ve just tested and seems searching tree view has been added sometime recently which is going to be good improvement! However the search field is quite small and not sure how it works if multiple matches are found.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    @Jurgis Salna , the search capability in the tree is a standard feature of JetBrains' IDEs call “speed search”, and it allows type-down searching where you use cursor up/down to cycle between matches.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    It’s not on the list of scheduled/expected work, but primarily because there hasn’t really been much interest in it. Jay requested it back in 2016 and then you also asked about it recently. There are no other votes or watchers which is a key way that I gauge interest for purposes of prioritization. I’m not at all opposed to doing it, though it does raise a data retention/security consideration as I’ve been asked several times by IC2 users where downloaded logs are stored and how long they’re stored there since they can include sensitive information. At present, it’s an easy answer because they aren’t stored anywhere on local disk. Once I add a feature to allow them to be downloaded to local disk, I’d likely need to add some type of appropriate verbiage around storage and retention outside of IC2.

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