Failed unit test stack trace link links to the wrong file

Issue #290 resolved
Matt Smith created an issue

To reproduce this issue, you must have two separate projects for two separate sandboxes that derive from the same production org. However, a similar issue might exist when dealing with two completely unrelated sandboxes as well.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open up project A which is tied to sandbox A
  2. Open up project B which is tied to sandbox B in a separate IntelliJ window
  3. Run a failing unit test under project A
  4. In the Run pane, find the stack trace of the failed unit test and click on the link to open up the related class

The file that the link opens is actually the file from project B, not project A.

Comments (5)

  1. Elliot Allen Account Deactivated

    Scott, is it possible to get an update on this issue? It makes unit testing irritating.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sorry for the delayed response, Elliot. I'll take a look this week and see if I can address this issue. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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