Provide "poor man's" JS/CSS features in Community Edition

Issue #315 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

Now that I've added better support for Lightning, the lack of support for JavaScript and CSS in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is even more apparent. I can add a reasonable level of support for Community Edition users by presenting symbols from the standard JavaScript API, the BOM/DOM API, and the automatic includes for Visualforce and Lightning respectively. Similar with CSS, especially the Lightning Design System classes. These wouldn't be contextually-aware completions, but they should save quite a few keystrokes. I can also implement simple syntax highlighting based on Community Edition's custom file types for JS/CSS, and I can provide brace matching, quote matching, simple auto-indentation (ENTER between braces) that will make JS/CSS editing significantly more pleasant in Community Edition.

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells reporter

    More of this delivered in

    • Significantly improved JavaScript symbol table creation.
    • Support for standard Visualforce, Salesforce1, and Lightning/Aura JavaScript class/function libraries.
    • Support for Visualforce and Lightning script and stylesheet includes.
    • Multi-lang commenter for JavaScript and CSS within Visualforce and Lightning.
    • Backspace handler for paired braces and quotes in JavaScript and CSS.
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