Changing "Connection" in the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog does not refresh the list of Test Classes

Issue #316 resolved
Vivek M. Chawla created an issue

When creating new Run/Debug configurations (or editing existing ones), if you have a project with multiple IC connections associated with it, if you use the "Connection" drop down to change from the currently displayed connection to any other connection, the list of classes and test methods in the "Test Classes" treeview does not change.

If close the dialog window with the "OK" button and then return to the "Run/Deubg Configurations" window, then the "Test Classes" tree view shows the correct classes and test methods.

The following screen shots demonstrate this.

First, this is the Connection and set of Test Classes that was there by default when I created the new Apex Test configuration.


Now, I'll change the connection from VMC-PACKAGINGDEMO to VMC-LIGHTNINGDEMO. Note that there are no changes to the classes and test methods shown in the Test Classes treeview.


Finally, if I close the dialog by hitting OK, then reopen it, the correct test classes/methods are shown.


Note: I am using a single IntelliJ project that has two distinct IC modules in it. Each of the two modules points to it's own connection.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Likely an inadvertent regression on my part in the recent updates for the offline debugger. I'll take a look for the next minor update.

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