Previously zipped resource bundle being modified (in a bad way) when deployed by IC

Issue #324 resolved
Tom Fuda created an issue

I'm seeing something strange when I use IC to deploy existing static resource bundles. I've got a number of static resource bundles that have been checked into our version control system. If I check out the these resource bundles and use the Ant Migration Tool to deploy these files to a Salesforce org, the deploy successfully, and the contents are accessible to my Apex/Visualforce application. If I load these same files into an Illuminated Cloud project, and use IC to deploy them I'm seeing several different issues:

  • In one instance, I get a deployment error indicating the specified static resource is not a valid zip file.
  • In another instance, I'm finding that the bundle gets deployed, but it appears to be getting modified by the IC deployment process, resulting in a corrupted resource once it reaches Salesforce. The Visualforce page that includes the resource cannot load any of the contents. When I pull the file back down from Salesforce and try to open it using a Zip file editor (IZArc), the file cannot be opened, and the Zip tool gives an error indicating a bad zip header.
  • In other instances I have gotten ugly internal server errors during deployment.

I have attached one of my pre-zipped resource bundles and it's associated meta-xml file. This file contains a .css file and some images. Can you try using IC to deploy this to one of your Salesforce orgs. Note that I am NOT using IC's static resource management feature at all here. I am just putting this file and it's associated meta-xml file directly in the src/staticresources folder, then adding it to package.xml and then right-clicking the file in the nav-tree and selecting Illuminated Cloud | Force Save to deploy. Deployment of this file is failing for me with a "The specified Static Resource is not a valid zip file" error.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Tom. I'll take a look at this later today and see if I can figure out what IC is doing to the archive. I'm just using standard Java support for zip, but certainly something is going on here. I'll let you know what I find and will hopefully provide a fix in short order.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for letting me know. I will go ahead and resolve this for now, but don't hesitate to resurrect it if you can reproduce/characterize the issue.

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