Enabling the plugin breaks other modules

Issue #333 resolved
OrangeDog created an issue

As soon as I install/enable the plugin in IDEA 2016.1.3, most (possibly all?) existing Maven-imported modules claim to have no source root and nothing builds. Disabling the plugin returns everything to normal.

Needless to say, that's a blocker for any use of this product.

I guess there's something unsafe that this plugin does in interacting with the source root system?

Relevant log excerpt, though it doesn't look like it contains any clues:

2016-06-22 10:36:19,001 [   6875]   INFO - lluminatedCloudFileTypeFactory - Registering external resource http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata as C:/Users/me/.IntelliJIdea2016.1/config/plugins/IlluminatedCloud/lib/IlluminatedCloud.jar!/xsd/metadata.xsd. 
2016-06-22 10:36:19,274 [   7148]   INFO -     #com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI - UI scale factor changed: 1.0 
2016-06-22 10:36:19,506 [   7380]   INFO -   #com.intellij.AbstractBundle - Cannot load resource bundle from *.properties file, falling back to slow class loading: com.intellij.javaee.heroku.cloud.HerokuBundle 
2016-06-22 10:36:19,543 [   7417]   INFO - rains.ide.BuiltInServerManager - built-in server started, port 63342 
2016-06-22 10:36:19,572 [   7446]   INFO - gs.impl.UpdateCheckerComponent - channel: release 
2016-06-22 10:36:19,937 [   7811]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - Version has changed for index IdIndex. The index will be rebuilt. 
2016-06-22 10:36:19,977 [   7851]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - Version has changed for index filetypes. The index will be rebuilt. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,058 [   7932]   INFO - ellij.license.LicenseValidator - Validating certificate. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,059 [   7933]   INFO - ellij.license.LicenseValidator - Successfully validated certificate. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,061 [   7935]   INFO - llij.license.SignedJarVerifier - Verifying application contents. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,397 [   8271]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 25 project components initialized in 688 ms 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,397 [   8271]   INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 0 module(s) loaded in 0 ms 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,552 [   8426]   INFO - llij.license.SignedJarVerifier - Successfully verified application contents. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,554 [   8428]   INFO - ellij.license.LicenseValidator - Validating libraries. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,596 [   8470]   INFO - ellij.license.LicenseValidator - Successfully validated libraries. 
2016-06-22 10:36:20,813 [   8687]   INFO - il.indexing.FileBasedIndexImpl - Version has changed for index Stubs. The index will be rebuilt. 
2016-06-22 10:36:22,103 [   9977]   INFO - v.intellij.plugin.LombokLoader - Lombok plugin initialized for IntelliJ 
2016-06-22 10:36:22,543 [  10417]   INFO - plication.impl.ApplicationImpl - 110 application components initialized in 5357 ms 
2016-06-22 10:36:22,551 [  10425]   INFO - .intellij.idea.IdeaApplication - App initialization took 10918 ms 
2016-06-22 10:36:23,254 [  11128]   INFO - .openapi.application.Preloader - Finished preloading com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.impl.ActionPreloader@56a52e6d 
2016-06-22 10:36:24,562 [  12436]   INFO - .openapi.application.Preloader - Finished preloading com.intellij.ide.ui.search.SearchableOptionPreloader@2075fa4 
2016-06-22 10:36:36,609 [  24483]   INFO - CompilerWorkspaceConfiguration - Available processors: 4 
2016-06-22 10:36:37,034 [  24908]   INFO - management.pik.PikSdkRefresher - Refreshing sdks 
2016-06-22 10:36:37,034 [  24908]   INFO - management.pik.PikSdkRefresher - rubies folder doesn't exist 
2016-06-22 10:36:37,036 [  24910]   INFO - gement.rbenv.RbenvSdkRefresher - Refreshing sdks 
2016-06-22 10:36:37,036 [  24910]   INFO - gement.rbenv.RbenvSdkRefresher - rbenv isn't supported by OS 
2016-06-22 10:36:37,039 [  24913]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 184 project components initialized in 868 ms 
2016-06-22 10:36:38,009 [  25883]   INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 72 module(s) loaded in 970 ms 
2016-06-22 10:36:40,717 [  28591]   INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Pushing properties took 311ms; general responsiveness: ok; EDT responsiveness: ok 
2016-06-22 10:36:40,833 [  28707]   INFO - tartup.impl.StartupManagerImpl - C:/dev/.idea case-sensitivity: expected=false actual=false 
2016-06-22 10:36:41,206 [  29080]   WARN - openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowImpl - ToolWindow icons should be 13x13. Please fix ToolWindow (ID:  Anonymous Apex) or icon jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/JetBrains/IntelliJ%20IDEA%202016.1/lib/icons.jar!/nodes/ejbFinderMethod.png 
2016-06-22 10:36:41,225 [  29099]   WARN - openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowImpl - ToolWindow icons should be 13x13. Please fix ToolWindow (ID:  SOQL Query) or icon jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/JetBrains/IntelliJ%20IDEA%202016.1/lib/icons.jar!/nodes/dataSchema.png 
2016-06-22 10:36:41,993 [  29867]   INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 5853 ms
2016-06-22 10:36:43,757 [  31631]   INFO - ution.rmi.RemoteProcessSupport - Port/ID: 51289/Maven32ServerImpl2abc055d 
2016-06-22 10:36:46,794 [  34668]   INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Indexable file iteration took 6076ms; general responsiveness: 2/17 sluggish, 11/17 very slow; EDT responsiveness: 2/6 sluggish, 2/6 very slow 
2016-06-22 10:36:46,816 [  34690]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 261614 files to update 
2016-06-22 10:38:01,537 [ 109411]   INFO - .diagnostic.PerformanceWatcher - Unindexed files update took 74722ms; general responsiveness: 0/223 sluggish, 149/223 very slow; EDT responsiveness: ok 

Comments (11)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the report. Someone else raised this in the context of Gradle just the other day and I forgot to log an issue. If the module is not a Force.com/IC module, it's safe to click Ignore and you shouldn't see this anymore, but I need to make it only prompt for this once it recognizes the module as being an IC module. I'll try to get that change out ASAP.

  2. OrangeDog reporter

    Good to hear. Can you release that ASAP? Even if I ignore the errors, when I try to add an actual IC module it won't let me save, due to phantom source nesting problems in unrelated Maven modules.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Here's a test build with the change. Please let me know if it doesn't resolve your problems. That will let me know if it's a valid fix before I roll the change out to everyone. To install, just download the archive and use Settings>Plugins>Install Plugin from Disk.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Great! I'll plan to release the fix this morning. You won't see an update because you're already running the exact same distribution, but it won't interfere with future updates.

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