Can't enter the debugger

Issue #351 resolved
Kamil Pilarski created an issue


I wanted to try the debugger in IC (very interesting feature!), but when I click on the debug button, it only runs tests and shows the results, not the offline debugger, just as if I run the tests as usual. The only difference between the debugger and running a test is the icon (green triangle -> green bug). The same thing happens when I try to debug Anonymous Apex. I'm experiencing the problem on sandboxes. I've also tried it on my developer account and it worked like a charm (that org is a lot smaller, though). I can't check on other organization types.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Kamil, can you run the same process in a dev org where it works then in the sandbox where it doesn't and compare the resulting logs? Because the debugger is running off of the logs, there must be some difference in log levels, logged information, etc., that's causing the debugger to decide not If you'd like to capture those logs and send them to me I'll be happy to take a detailed look as well.

  2. Kamil Pilarski reporter

    Hi Scott, thank you for your answer. After you answered my question I wanted to check if everything is ok with logging, so I run some anonymous apex. I couldn't see any logs so I knew something was wrong, as you said. Then I turned on the developer console and wanted to check if I can see my logs from IC there. I could, but then I also could see them in IC. Then I checked if the debugger started working and it did. I'm not sure what happened, but it works now. Thanks!

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. I think you're hitting a bug that I've fixed for the next build. Please let me know if the same thing occurs after installing the build I'll be releasing early next week.

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