Disable InteliJ menu bars unrelated to IC

Issue #354 wontfix
Jay Janarthanan created an issue

I help a lot of new people using IC and InterlliJ for the first time. One of the frustrating things is people expect all functions that the menu bar on IJ are available on IC. For example the Inspect Code function , it looks like its working but its not on a APEX file.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jay, virtually all of the default toolbar buttons and most of the menu items do in fact work with IC. For example, create some syntax errors in Apex source and run an inspection. You'll see the errors reported in the inspection results. As I add custom Apex/VF/Lightning inspections, those will show up there as well. Also, many people who use IC also use IntelliJ IDEA for other languages such as Java or HTML/JavaScript, so I don't want to have IC "dumb down" the toolbars and menus so that it cripples those functions.

    If you'd like to create a customized toolbar/menu bar for IC, you can right-click on the toolbar itself and click Customize Menus and Toolbars. I believe you can then share those customizations with your team using File>Export Settings (perhaps UI Settings?) and then others can use File>Import Settings using the resulting archive.

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