Errors with metadata when building offline symbol table

Issue #36 resolved
Matej Pinter created an issue


there are still errors thrown when building offline symbol table for project. I have tried on multiple sandbox projects and I couldn't get things working. Yesterday I have also tried on my mac and I have only managed to make work one project that was on development org, but no sandbox project worked. There is always an error or with metadata or with some missing files.

Because of that autocomplete doesn't work except with files that are in project, but no objects or and other fields.

This is for version 1.0.2, but I can't set it here.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner
    • changed version to 1.0.2

    Thanks for the update, Matej. Would you mind sending me the details from idea.log (Help>Show Log in Explorer) when these errors occur, in particular the stack traces?

    During the internal beta testing period, the plugin has been used with quite a few different orgs and, more importantly, org types including dev, partner dev, sandbox, partner test, and production (obviously without the ability to save Apex and Visualforce directly to the last one). There's definitely a pretty significant amount of variability in responses to calls into the APIs--the metadata API in particular--that I'm having to accommodate across these org types. Apparently you're hitting some that I haven't yet seen.

    With the correct diagnostic information, though, I can and will definitely get you past this and able to use the plugin as intended!

    Thanks in advance for any diagnostic info that you can provide!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks! That helps tremendously. I'll see if I can either get you a fix or a new build that provides more diagnostic info in pursuit of a fix sometime today.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Matej, I've just uploaded a new build that I hope resolves this issue. I'm going to leave this ticket open until I hear back from you one way or the other, though. Again, thank you for your patience as I address these problems!

  4. Matej Pinter reporter

    I'm still having only 1.0.2 in Idea. Or should I download and manually update plug-in?

  5. Matej Pinter reporter

    I have etsted today with 1.0.2b and I still get exception for metadata, but after clicking ok it went on and autocomplete is working now.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Great to hear, Matej! Yeah, I noticed the issue with error handling during OST generation and decided to handle that separately so that I could get you a prospective fix ASAP. I'm going to resolve this issue since you're past the core problem and open a separate bug on the benign error dialog.

    Don't hesitate to let me know about other issues you might find. Obviously your orgs and those of a few other new users are different enough from the ones that have been used by my private beta testers over the past few months that it's exposing some new issues. I definitely want to get those addressed in short order so that folks are able to enjoy the plugin!

    Thanks again for the patience and assistance in helping to debug this one!

  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Matej has been able to generate an OST successfully now. I've created issue #38 to cover the benign error dialog displayed during OST generation.

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