View diff from remote server against your pending deploy

Issue #360 resolved
Nathaniel Kam created an issue

When a user has a pending deploy against a remote server it is currently possible to generate on demand diffs. It would be great if this could open the diff compare automatically as a view rather than needing to retrieve them one by one. This would make it easier to review impact scope with less user input.

San Diego SalesForce Developer Group Presentation 07/26/16

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I still really like this idea. It's the functional equivalent of diffing branch before merging a pull request. You can basically do it today by performing a Retrieve for Merge against the target org before performing the deployment, but the workflow isn't as streamlined as it might be.

    I won't be working on this immediately as my near-term backlog is totally (over!)full, but I do like this idea and will return to it when I come up for air.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I believe Compare with Server provides the requested functionality, though perhaps the original request was constrained to the scope of the metadata in the build options dialog?

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