Unable to see Collections content

Issue #365 resolved
ketchyn created an issue

triggerHandler Class fields snippet

public with sharing class TriggerHandler {
    private List<Reference__c> refForUpdate;
    private List<Id> ContactsId;
    private Map<Id, List<Reference__c>> contactToRefsMap;

This fields are filled in

fillCollections Method

When I'm moving through this method and collections are being filled in debug mode collections are not expandable, so I can't see which items it contains forReport.png

Only After jumping out fillCollections method and moving further through the code lines collections are getting expandable


Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Unfortunately this is an aspect of how the debugger works. Because it's driven off of the information in the logs, and because those logs only tell me about explicit variable assignments, I don't see "side effect" changes to variables in system calls, e.g., changes to collection contents. If you'd like to see the updated contents, you'll need to set a breakpoint/checkpoint after the collection has been updated and the full heap dump contents will be folded into the variables view.

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