Retrieve all Metadata fails to run file comparison tool and copy files to src

Issue #389 resolved
jimbtek created an issue

The version and build numbers of Illuminated Cloud found in Settings>Illuminated Cloud under the About tab.

  • Version

The version and build numbers of IntelliJ IDEA found in IDEA's About dialog.

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.3
  • Build #IC-162.1812.17, built on August 30, 2016
  • JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-b287 x86
  • JVM: OpenJDK Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o

  • Windows 10 build 1511

  • Affects creating new Projects

The business impact of the bug to your productivity within Illuminated Cloud and IDEA.

  • Can't backup the entire metadata of an Org

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug if available.

  • Select "All/Package" or select every metadata component when creating a new project
  • The IntelliJ file comparison/sync window never opens
  • When checking "Retrieve Metadata" it shows all metadata as Server Only and there is no way to download any of it

Comments (14)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the detailed info. Before we start pulling log files and such, can you check one thing? There's a known issue on the Mac with the bundled OpenJDK JRE where the layering of windows isn't always correct when modal dialogs are involved. After Illuminated Cloud says that the retrieve is complete, would you mind moving or minimizing the main IDE window to see if the comparison window is sitting behind it? If it is, you should be able to copy files into your local source directory even if it's a nuisance to have to "find" the comparison window. If there's still no comparison window to be found, would you mind adding the following in Help>Debug Log Settings:


    running the retrieve again, and sending over the resulting idea.log which can be found using Help>Show Log in Finder. Hopefully I'll be able to see what's happening quickly with that information.

  2. jimbtek reporter

    Hey Scott, I will try both here later today. I am on Windows 10 tho.


    Jim Bartek BTek Ventures, LLC 317-292-6301

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah! That's very helpful, Jim. I saw "OpenJDK Server VM by JetBrains" in your details and skipped the "Windows 10" part. To provide some context, JetBrains bundles that JRE for the Mac to overcome some issues with the Oracle JRE on the Mac, but I've now logged a number of bugs with them for things that don't work in their bundled JRE but work fine when using the Oracle JRE. So....having said all that, I've seen one other Windows user say that he was seeing one of the (previously assumed) Mac-specific issues, and if his installation was using bundled OpenJDK JRE, it would make total sense!

    So let's do the things I recommended in my last comment, but based on what I find there, I may ask you to pull down the latest Oracle Java 8 JDK and switch IntelliJ IDEA to use it. It's possible this is another issue with the bundled OpenJDK JRE.

    Sorry for the confusion and thanks for all the info! I think you may have just helped with a particularly perplexing issue I've been trying to debug.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jim, one other thing I's using a 32-bit JRE (1.8.0_112-release-b287 x86). I'm assuming you're on 64-bit hardware. What happens if you launch the IDE using idea64.exe instead of idea.exe? If you don't already have one installed, you'll need to install a 64-bit JRE before you can do that. I'm also going to try to reproduce some of these issues using the bundled JRE, so if you just want to ship over your log after retrieving with the aforementioned debug log settings, that works as well.

  5. jimbtek reporter

    Glad I could help. yeah my JRE/JDK versions are kinda messed up with trying to get Eclipse running as well as Android Studio.

    I'll test some scenarios and if it still causes a problem i/ll grab the log.

    Another thing to note that may have been buried in that message is that it only break when doing ALL/Package or selecting every component type. It works fine when only pulling down a subset of the metadata, so there could be a specific metadata type that is breaking it.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hah! Shame on me...someone actually takes the time to provide a REALLY detailed bug report as requested, and my eyes cherry pick a few things and leave out other important details. Really sorry about that.

    So yeah, if you can reproduce the error with debug logging in that class, send over the log and I'll take a look. I've also reproduced the other issue that I thought as Mac-only on my Windows machine by switching to the 32-bit bundled JRE. That's going to be tremendously helpful!

  7. jimbtek reporter

    Well, my testing was short lived. It definitely pops up in the background 100% silently.

    Also that quick tips overlay when you first install IntelliJ might have something to do with it because it forces focus (can't move wndow or select anything) on it until you dismiss it


    Jim Bartek BTek Ventures, LLC 317-292-6301

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, good to know and very helpful. That means that the OpenJDK JRE exhibits the same behavior under Windows that it does under Mac. For you my concrete recommendation is to install the latest Oracle 8 64-bit JRE and start IntelliJ IDEA using idea64.exe instead of idea.exe. That should resolve these issues for you. Now that I know it behaves consistently cross-platform, I'm going to debug it a bit and see what I can do to work around these quirks, if anything. I'll leave this issue open to track that progress if you're interested, but switching JREs should resolve them for you. Thanks again!

  9. jimbtek reporter

    i'll give that try when i get a chance and let you know. might not be til next week. Thanks Scott


    Jim Bartek BTek Ventures, LLC 317-292-6301

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Jim, I'm going to resolve this since it's the known issue with the bundled OpenJDK JRE placing the comparison window behind the IDE window. If you find that problem isn't also eliminated by moving to an Oracle 64-bit JRE, please feel free to reopen.

  11. jimbtek reporter

    yeah well either way it's prob an IDEA issue. Thanks!


    Jim Bartek BTek Ventures, LLC 317-292-6301

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