"Could not send Message." on saving files

Issue #390 resolved
jrattanpal created an issue

It was all working fine but suddenly I started getting this error. I checked and connection is still successful but can't seem to "refresh" metadata or deploy or save.

Log file is attached. Not sure if this is IDE issue or not.

Comments (4)

  1. jrattanpal reporter

    Just realized my system seems to have DNS issue and that might have caused it. It was strange because it saved one file and failed on second and haven't been working since then.

    So I thought it was IDE issue but now checked in browser and it's working. Although, strangely, login works on the org. Just not refresh metadata but that might be because it goes to login.salesforce.com

  2. jrattanpal reporter

    Just realized my system seems to have DNS issue and that might have caused it. It was strange because it saved one file and failed on second and haven't been working since then. So I thought it was IDE issue but now checked in browser and it's working. Although, strangely, login works on the org. Just not refresh metadata but that might be because it goes to login.salesforce.com

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